4 Hoopes Prize winners in the Department of Statistics

May 18, 2020

Statistics Department Hoopes Prize Winners for 2020:

Tessa Han for her project entitled “Applying Mediation Analysis to Predict Feed Forward Loops as Gene Regulatory Mechanisms in Multiple Myeloma: A Novel Statistical Approach”—nominated by Professor Giovanni Parmigiani.
Nathan Lewis Hollenberg for his project entitled “Drawing the New NBA Three-Point Line: A Statistical Approach to Determining Its Location and Effect on the Game”—nominated by Dr. Kevin Rader.
Michael Zhang for his project entitled “Automated Activity Discovery and Object Detection with Computer Vision: Towards Unsupervised Learning for Breakfast to Surgery”— nominated by Professor Serena Yeung.
Lisa Zheng for her project entitled “Yes She Can: Female Artistic Production in Parisian Art Markets, 1737–1820”—nominated by Professor Ewa Lajer-Burcharth and Dr. Mark Glickman

Congratulations to these writers and their advisors! Hoopes Prizes are awarded to undergraduates on the basis of outstanding scholarly work or research. You can read more details about the prize at this link: https://prizes.fas.harvard.edu/hoopes-prize.