Statistics Colloquium Series


Monday, September 11, 2023, 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Science Center 316

Our upcoming event for the Statistics Department Colloquium Series is scheduled for Monday, September 11 from 12:00 – 1:00pm (ET) and will be an in-person presentation Science Center Rm. 316. Lunch will be provided to guests following the talk. The speaker will be Boris Hanin, who is an Assistant Professor at the Princeton Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering. 

Title: Scaling Limits of Neural Networks

Abstract: Large neural networks are often studied analytically through scaling limits: regimes in which taking some structural network parameters (e.g. depth, width, number of training datapoints, and so on) to infinity results in simplified models of network properties. I will survey several such approaches, starting with the NTK regime in which network width tends to infinity at fixed depth and dataset size. Here, networks are Gaussian processes at initialization and are equivalent to linear models (at least for regression tasks). While this regime is tractable, it precludes a study of feature learning. The deviation from this NTK regime is controlled at finite width by the depth-to-width ratio, which plays the role of the effective network depth. I will explain how this occurs and state several results on how this effective depth affects learning in neural networks.