Statistics and Biostatistics Colloquium: Xihong Lin (Harvard University)


Monday, September 21, 2020, 10:30am to 11:30am


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Headshot of Xihong LinTitle:

Learning from COVID-19 Data in Wuhan, USA and the World on Transmission, Health Outcomes and Interventions


COVID-19 is an emerging respiratory infectious disease that has become a pandemic. In this talk, I will first provide a historical overview of the epidemic in Wuhan. I will provide the analysis results of 32,000 lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wuhan to estimate transmission rates, the multi-faceted public health intervention effects that helped Wuhan control the COVID-19 outbreak, and epidemiological characteristics of the cases. I will present the results using the transmission dynamic model to show the two features of the COVID-19 epidemic: high transmissibility and high covertness, and a high proportion of undetected cases, including asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases, and the chances of resurgence in different scenarios. I will next present the epidemic models to estimate the transmission rates in USA and other countries and intervention effects. I will present methods and analysis results of \(>\)500,000 participants of the HowWeFeel project on symptoms and health conditions in US, and discuss the factors associated with who have been tested in US and the factors associated with positive PRC tests/COVID-19 infection. I will provide several takeaways learned from the pandemic and discuss priorities.